Donations for Park and Recreation



You can make an impact on the future of our parks, recreation programs and facilities, for our children and your community through your donation.

 Thank you for considering Parks and Recreation for your donation. We look forward to working with you. 



What is the Donation Fund for Parks and Recreation? 

The Donation Fund for Parks and Recreation ("The Fund") was established in the 2014 budget for the "Purpose of furthering the maintenance and preservation of parks now or in the future belonging to the City of Rice Lake and providing recreational activities, facilities and programs to the community of Rice Lake."

Is my donation tax deductible?

As allowed under the law

Can I make a donation for a specific purpose?

Yes, donations are accepted for specific purposes with approval from the Community Service Director or duly appointed representative.


Where are some of the programs/purposes I can donate towards?


  • Capital improvement
  • Operational support
  • Parks
    • Beautification
    • Trails, sidewalks, etc.
    • other
  • Playgrounds and play equipment
  • Recreation programs
  • Educational
  • Swimming Pool
  • Memorials
    • Living Legacy Program
    • Park Bench Program
    • General memorial
    • Memorial statues, fountains, gardens, etc. 
  • Sponsorship's
  • Forestry
  • Cemeteries
  • Any other
  • Volunteers


Are there sponsorship opportunities available through the fund?

Yes, sponsorship's are available for specific events, concerts, performances, and youth recreation events and programs that take place in Rice Lake Parks and facilities. 

Is there a minimum or maximum donation amount?

Donations are accepted for as little or as much as a donor would like.

How can I make a donation to the fund?

All donations can be made by stopping at the Community Services Department Offices located at 910 S. Wisconsin Avenue. Office hours are Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 3:30 pm. - Please make checks payable to The City of Rice Lake

Some donations may require approval from Community Services Department, Park and Recreation Board, and/or the Common Council of the City of Rice Lake. 


Who can I contact for additional donation and sponsorship opportunities?

Please call the Community Services Department at (715) 234-7402 or (715) 234-9235 for specific donation and sponsorship opportunities or email us at: 


Living Legacy Fund -  By taking action today, you can assure that future generations will have beautiful parks, natural areas, and recreational facilities.  Your donation to the Legacy Fund in the form of planned given - including gifts of stock, real estate or cash, insurance policies, bequests, and trusts - will allow our park and recreation system to grow. 

Memorial Statues, Fountains, Gardens, etc. - Donations of statues, fountains, plazas, gardens, etc. may be accepted under specific circumstances and approved by the Community Services Department, and the Park and Recreation Board.  The Department will determine placement of all such memorials.

General Memorial Donations - General memorial donations gifted to Parks and Recreation will be acknowledged by a letter from the Park and Recreation Board. Funds generated by these donations will be used to best meet current needs of the department as determined by the Director.