2024-2025 OPEN GYM
Runs through March 23rd, 2025 |
Youth and Family 8th grade and Under Sunday 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Recreation Center
Providing a variety of physical activities to our youth! Two gyms for a variety of play
We encourage adaptive recreation and welcome anyone with cognitive or physical disabilities. |
OPEN GYM RULES * All participants must sign in before participating. Participants must have a parents name and contact information when they sign in. If no information is provided, they cannot participate.
* No food or beverages in gym * * No cursing or physical altercations allowed. A warning will be granted in certain situations, but continued use will result in permanent * No alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, firearms or offensive conduct/language on the facility property * Children 6 years and under shall be accompanied by an adult * Participants shall be considerate of others using the facility * No organized practices or games are allowed. Open play only * All participants must remain in the gyms at all time, unless to use restrooms. No balls or other equipment can leave the gym * All hoops must remain at 10ft ( NO EXCEPTIONS ) – school requested rule * No one can enter locker room except for gym supervisor * Music is allowed, but must be age appropriate. No profanity or sexual innuendo allowed
*City of Rice Lake and Rice Lake Area School District shall not be responsible for personal injuries or damage to participants’ property resulting from activities at the facility |