
Rice Lake Pickleball

In 2015, a handful of people from the area began playing Pickleball. Initially they played outdoors at courts in Cameron as well as indoor courts at the former elementary school. Eventually outdoor play was moved to the Rice Lake High School tennis courts. Summer play became limited due to sporadic court availability, so in late summer of 2021 we began researching what it would take to get dedicated Pickleball Courts in Rice Lake. We worked with the Community Services/Parks and Recreation on a plan, presented the plan to the City Council, and after the City Council gave approval to build public courts at Moon Lake Park, we began the process of raising funds to make the courts a reality. Between what the City budgeted and the amount that our Association raised, we were able to reach our goal in 2022, so construction began late that summer. The courts were completed in June of 2023.


Moon Lake Pickleball Courts are open to the public. The Rice Lake Pickleball Association has the courts reserved mornings Monday through Friday from 8am to 12pm as well as Sunday and Tuesday evenings from 6-9pm. The courts may be reserved other times for special events such as tournaments.

Please contact 715-234-9235 for any questions.


Outdoor Pickleball Courts are closed for the season